Delicious and healthy sandwich spreads!

Today another lesson from the Little Cook series takes place in our classroom. As always many different food products wait for us. Vegetables – fresh, cooked and canned, dairy, sunflower seeds, different kinds of bread, Parma ham… But what is it? It looks like we have the electric helpers today. On the tables, besides good old graters, there are blenders and a waffle iron.

That’s because, dear Sirs and Madams, today’s lesson is about…

Delicious and healthy sandwich spreads!
 Everyone is ready, trying their best. Someone peels vegetables, someone cuts them to pieces, another one roasts or mixes. And because all of it is going to turn into spreads, it is time to start blending. Meanwhile, also the spinach waffle dough was made – delicious!

Freshly baked waffles and slices of bread are covered with colorful, extraordinary spreads:

•    carrot with sunflower seed,
•    tuna with corn,
•    avocado with Parma ham.

We also added some decoration made of parsley tops, olives and cheese and the snacks were ready. Perfect for the small party with friends, but not only.

Bon appetit!

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